Some people like their eyebrows arched, some like their eyebrows straight like a ruler, some like their eyebrows feathered at the end and some like their eyebrows bold and strong. Eyebrows are the most vital feature on one's face. Eyebrows can make one look younger and can project your personality too.
These days, it is easy to change the shape of your eyebrow if you are not happy with them. One can change the shape by using eyebrow pencils, eyebrow gels, eyebrow tattoo pens, eyebrow powder kits and eyebrow embroidery.
Eyebrow embroidery is a very natural option that delivers semi-permanent results. Microblading or eyebrow embroidery provides you with a new set of eyebrows that look like real hairs.
Eyebrow embroidery is an ideal solution for those :
1) who want to fill in the gaps in their eyebrows
2) who want a new eyebrow shape
3) who want to redefine their eyebrows
4) who want to repair their patchy or sparse eyebrows
5) who want convenient solution so that you do not need to draw your eyebrows daily
6) who want to go to sleep with beautiful eyebrows
7) who want to arched eyebrows but your natural eyebrows is unable to achieve this
8) who want their eyebrows to look natural and not tattooed on
9) who want a smudge-proof eyebrow solution
10) who do not want to apply make-up and wash it off daily
During the eyebrow embroidery process, a special micro blade is used on the person to "draw" the individual hairs on your eyebrows. At Sunshine Brow Studio, our therapists has 16 years of experience and has been conducting eyebrow embroidery courses for many years. Sunshine Brow Studio's therapists are very meticulous and would firstly draw in an eyebrow shape for the customer. The therapist would alter the shape until the customer is happy with the shape, before commencing the eyebrow embroidery process. The eyebrow shape is customised to each individual's face, personality and preference. A strong numbing cream is then applied to the eyebrow area. This numbing cream minimises the discomfort.
Some clients feel a slight tugging while the eyebrow embroidery is commencing but it is a relatively painless procedure. The healing process varies from one person to another. Your new set of eyebrows would look very dark for a few days before fading off to a more natural look.
This natural looking set of eyebrows would last you for 2-3 years. But a touch up one month after the initial eyebrow embroidery is highly recommended. The touch up eyebrow embroidery would enhance the color and shape of your new set of eyebrows. After your touch up eyebrow embroidery has fully healed, you can enjoy your new set of eyebrows in every way possible. Once your embroidered eyebrow has healed, you can go swimming, play sports, go for hot yoga and go about your life as per normal. No special care is required for your embroidered eyebrows once it has fully healed.
Once the eyebrow embroidery has fully healed, you will wake up with a perfect set of eyebrows! At Sunshine Brow Studio, we can help you to achieve that perfect set of eyebrows.
If you are interested in an eyebrow embroidery course in Singapore, we conduct eyebrow embroidery courses too. Please email to for more information.
Email to for appointment bookings and for more information.
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